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Agenda & Speakers

A Value-Led Approach to Loyalty

Tuesday, May 9, 2023 - 2:00 PM - 2:40 PM

Loyalty programs are under increasing pressure to prove their value – both to the customer and to the brand.  Customers increasingly expect real value in exchange for their loyalty. And brands are increasingly expecting their loyalty investments to provide real, measurable results.  During this interactive workshop, we’ll explore different ways to increase the value on both sides of the customer/brand value exchange.  We’ll discuss:

  • Segment-level goal setting with real value tied to opportunities
  • How to focus on behavior change vs. total program value measurement
  • The methods and challenges for measuring program ROI


Shannon Ottinger, VP of Loyalty Strategy Consulting, Epsilon

Shannon brings 20+ years of loyalty consulting experience across industries partnering with global market leaders including Adidas, UPS, American Express, Nike, Citi, and Home Depot to define and launch game changing programs.

Her experience spans B2B, B2C and B2B2C program design. Her consumer work has focused  on developing brand centric programs that bring the brand to life and build multi-dimensional customer connections to drive growth.

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