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Agenda & Speakers

Loyalty360 Brand Member Roundtables: KPIs and Metrics Workshop

Monday, October 25, 2021 - 1:20 PM - 2:05 PM
The world is inundated with loyalty programs. That means LOTS of data. How do you know if your program is doing well? How can you convince your organization leadership that their budget dollars are going to the right place by investing in a loyalty program?

Most marketers are measuring loyalty with retention metrics, unfairly boiling loyalty down into a purely transactional relationship with their customers. Loyalty, however, is much more than that. Make sure you’re accurately tracking both behavioral and emotional metrics.

Brierley’s Chief Strategy & Analytics Officer, Don Smith, will walk through the most important KPIs your company needs to be measuring right now for a holistic understanding of customer loyalty and lifetime value.

Join this workshop session to learn about:
  • Discover a new set of KPIs meant to track emotional loyalty and brand engagement
  • How to get executives to see the full value of customer loyalty
  • The common mistakes to avoid with Loyalty metrics
  • How these KPIs can have long-reaching impacts on the business as a whole


Don Smith, Senior Managing Director and Strategy & Chief Analytics Officer, Brierley

Don earned his Ph.D. in Political Science from The Florida State University, and spent 11 years in academia teaching statistics and policy evaluation. Prior to joining Brierley, he was a research director for Dallas County, in charge of database modeling, data mining, and program reporting. He has authored several journal articles and a full-length book. At Brierley, Don leads our strategic program design practice, responsible for engineering solutions which balance compelling value propositions with enhanced member experiences and data-driven customer engagement. His current client list includes Aramark, Bal Harbour Shops, European Wax Center, Express, Fleet Farm, GameStop, Hertz and QVC/HSN. An avid theater aficionado, his passion for presentation informs his marketing data analytics, where he eschews the traditional view in favor of a dynamic storytelling model that brings numbers to life through contextualization and the generation of actionable insights.

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